Counteract - significado y definición. Qué es Counteract
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Qué (quién) es Counteract - definición

(counteracts, counteracting, counteracted)
To counteract something means to reduce its effect by doing something that produces an opposite effect.
My husband has to take several pills to counteract high blood pressure...
·vt To act in opposition to; to hinder, defeat, or frustrate, by contrary agency or influence; as, to counteract the effect of medicines; to counteract good advice.
¦ verb act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.
counteraction noun
counteractive adjective
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Counteract
1. Some of them counteract.
The Scientifie of Maximizing Human Potential _ Steven Kotler _ Talks at Google
2. difficult to counteract that.
The Person You Mean to Be - How Good People Fight Bias _ Dolly Chugh _ Talks at Google
3. that will counteract this.
4. or counteract overconfidence?
Thinking in Bets _ Annie Duke _ Talks at Google
5. the suit could counteract.
The Martian _ Andy Weir _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Counteract
1. Authorities were eager to counteract such influences.
2. Consequently, we will vigorously counteract that carelessness.
3. There is simply nobody to counteract the declinologists‘ theories.
4. To counteract this danger, Project Contest was born in Whitehall.
5. They also help counteract Iran‘s rising influence in the region.